Staple and Brad Tacker In Stock Now

The Heavy Duty Staple and Brad Tacker can be squeezed easily, has an Anti-Jam mechanism to help prevent misfires and is made of aluminum which is lightweight and durable. Uses Dewalt Heavy Duty Staples (DWHTTA700) series or Arrow T-50 heavy duty staples, as well as the full range of Stanley TRA700 series heavy duty staples and 18 gauge brad nails. 

This tool comes equipped with one slide of GRR11 & Arrow T50 3/8" 10mm fasteners. Consult with the Workshop Tool Expert to see if these fasteners are right for you.

This tool can use the full range of Stanley registered TRA700 Series Heavy Duty Staples & 18 Gauge Brads, plus Arrow T-50 Heavy Duty Staples.

Please use the proper PPE with the correct safety ratings for the work you’re performing. This includes, but is not limited to, safety glasses, face shields, ear plugs, dust masks, close-toed shoes, and other proper attire. Never wear baggy clothes, jewelry, or have long hair down and unsecured while operating a tool.

Please note that you can only renew a tool once, and after 14 days the tool must be returned back into stock in order to let other people have a chance to use it. Users who renew tools for an additional 7 days will need to wait at least one week before checking that tool out again. Renewal of tools can be done between days 5-7 of your rental as long as another customer does not have the tool reserved during that time.

Please be sure to return tools on your listed due dates to avoid service interruptions to other customers. If a customer has a history of late returns, we may put your account on probation until good customer standing can be reinstated. 

Users who pose problems with timely returns, or problematic behaviors such as circumventing bans or our terms of service in any way may be subject to denial of service without warning or explanation.